
Corporate Governance

  • Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Related Party Transaction Policy

  • Guidelines on Corporate Governance

  • Fair Practice Code

  • KYC-AML Policy

  • Whistle Blower Policy

  • Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace

  • Grievance Redressal

  • MITC

  • Interest Rates

  • Notification on change in prime lending rate (PLR)

  • Fees and charges

  • Remuneration Policy

  • Policy on Appointment of Statutory auditor

  • Policy on reporting of credit information to CICs

  • Co-Lending Policy

  • Appointment of Independent Directors

  • List of Recovery Agents

  • Customer Education Literature

  • Process for return of original property documents in the event of sad demise of Borrower(s)

  • Policy For Claiming of Unclaimed Amount Lying With The Company